On my way back from spring break, I was on a two-lane road with no shoulder and a giant pick-up pulling a horse trailer steadily tailgating me. The speed limit was 60mph, but I had gotten up to 70 to keep the distance...he caught up and I refused to go any faster on the curvy country road....so on one such curve, the guy decides to pass me...he stayed 1/2 in my lane and half in the oncoming lane...I was caught dodging the big truck as well as the mailboxes on my right...scary! Well, Monday night I was on the highway and this guy in a low-riding white cadi, complete with tinted windows and hood bling tried to pull into my lane, so I slowed way down and watched him swerve along in front of me. At the exit, I ended up almost beside him in the right hand turning lane. I watched as he wove through traffic and I don't know why, but I was really getting scared. I noticed he pulled into 7-11 and was glad to be done with him. But I did take note that he parked near the street and seemed to be looking directly at me.
How it changed my life:
to cont. the story above: I got to the park where my husband's ball game was and found a parking spot, only to realize that the white car was right behind me. When I got parked, in a panic, I again checked my rear-view and saw he had me blocked in...I had my four boys plus my two neighbor boys & felt like we were in serious danger at that point. As I warned the boys to stay in the car, I noticed he wasn't behind us, so I reversed my van and saw that he was slowly creeping out of the park. I don't know for sure, but I think the big corn-fed men with bats in the big-wheel dodge deisel duelly next to us mighta done the trick. My van was fine upon inspection after the game, but I had an eagle eye out for him to return the entire night. I have a stellar driving record and nothing like these two incidents have happened to me, especially not being followed-a deisel tried to force me out of an opposing lane once when I was 16, but that seems ages ago, been driving 16 yrs. haven't been that scared in a long time.
how it can be freak for me???